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December 2016

New Leadership Training on Scaling and Growing a Business

This month we released a five-part series, originally produced by new content partner, TeleTime Productions, on leadership strategies for scaling and growing a business.

The five-part “Scaling a Business” series features some of the world’s most recognized CEOs presenting their best practices and strategies for common challenges when growing a business. Leaders learn a myriad of lessons on maintaining a business mindset from the examples detailed in these courses. These courses are also helpful for individuals being groomed for leadership positions, or any employee, as they provide a rich view of one’s work from a broader business perspective.

The new titles include:

New Data Security Training

A recent USA Today article predicts the number of cyber threats to increase in 2017, which is why we made it a priority to publish four new training courses on data security compliance. These new titles feature video produced by new content partner, IT University Online. These courses present strategies to employees to protect sensitive information and prevent data breaches.

The four new titles include:

For all courses on cyber security, click here.

New Training for Network Administrators

This month we released the final few courses in a new series on computer networking essentials. These courses are geared toward someone with a network administration role, or for any employee who needs to know how a network works.

Here are the nine new titles:

For a full list of courses available covering computer skills, click here.

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